James Bond walks into a gay bar. But should he?

Actor Daniel Craig, best known for playing the dashing and decidedly heterosexual James Bond, made headwinds this week when he revealed that he is a big fan of gay bars. “I’ve been going to gay bars for as long as I can remember,” Craig, 53, said Tuesday on the podcast “Lunch With Bruce.” “One of the reasons: because I don’t get into fights in gay bars that often.”

Gay bars, Craig added, “would just be a good place to go. Everybody was chill — everybody. You didn’t really have to sort of state your sexuality. It was OK. And it was a very safe place to be.” Craig, who has been married to the British actor Rachel Weisz for 10 years, added that he went to gay bars in his youth to meet single women.

The reaction online from the LGBTQ community was mixed. Many cheered on Craig’s remarks, saying, “There’s room for everyone at our table.” “If they’re allies and being respectful I don’t see an issue with it,” one user wrote on Twitter. “We don’t win support by telling straight people they aren’t welcome.”

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