Sin City 2 Confirms Lady Gaga Cameo, Shares A Red-Band Trailer


Lady Gaga’s name wasn’t one of the 13 (!!) names listed on the poster for Robert Rodriguez’s Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. But the world-famous pop icon has been rumored to be part of the massive ensemble for a while now. Is she going to be in it? The Instagram photo shared above should have all her Little Monsters buying tickets to the August sequel.

Lady Gaga shares: “It’s true! I’ll be in Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For with my favorite scene partner Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I love Rodriguez, he really killed this one!”

Want to see Lady Gaga and her Sin City: A Dame to Kill For cast members in action? You are in luck. A red-band trailer for the upcoming sequel arrived this morning. Put down your coffee and dig into the black-and-white insanity of Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez.

I couldn’t quite tell what it was about that trailer that earned the red-band notification. Then the swords came out, and the hands and heads started getting hacked off, and I realized that Rodriguez was putting the petal to the floor for this gory follow up to his film noir thriller.

The new sequel has been long in development, with Robert Rodriguez discussing plans for the sequel as far back as 2006. The list of ladies looking at potential parts in Sin City 2 included Angelina Jolie and Rachel Weisz … and now I’m just going to spend the rest of my days imagining both of them in Sin City 2 scenes.

Eva Green, Josh Brolin and Joseph Gordon-Levitt ended up being the newcomers in the sequel, though as you can tell from the trailer above, they are surrounded by a number of familiar (and very ugly) faces. Jessica Alba, Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke and Rosario Dawson slink through the shadows of Sin City. The visuals are similar to what we saw in Robert Rodriguez’s first film, and that earned $158.7 million worldwide. That was back in 2005, though. Nearly a decade ago! Do audiences still care? They better, because Sin City 3 already is in the works. We’ll find out what happens when Sin City: A Dame to Kill For barrels into theaters on August 22.

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Lady GaGa - Elle