What parents should know about 'Split'


THE MIND — If personality is what counts, then “Split” has 23 of it. With so much personality in one film, you can bet at least some of it is going to be disagreeable.

With the most recent M. Night Shyamalan film, fans have been rewarded with an exciting new movie to keep us on the edge of our seats. His iconic movie twists and misdirects make (most) of his films hard to take your eyes off for fear of missing some important clue or symbol to help unravel the riddles he weaves. “Split” is no exception.

Here are a few (spoiler free) plot points that adults and teenagers should be aware of before you find yourselves invested in the film, only to be blindsided by somethings you may not be comfortable with. This is what parents should know before sending your teenagers to see “Split.”

Subject matter

I will start by defining the context of this film so you can better frame the rest of the review. As can be gathered by the trailer and John Clyde’s full review, “Split” is about a man with a multiple personality disorder who kidnaps three teenage girls and holds them captive in an undisclosed location. The captor, played by James Mcavoy, cycles through several of his multiple personalities, keeping the audience and of course his victims unhinged as he torments his way through this film.